If you struggle to concentrate in a meeting about your company’s acquisition because the coffee shop is playing a deep cut by your favorite band, then being a CEO may not be for you.
And you = me.
CSCW 2019 was “Champion Sponsored” by Facebook, and their closing keynote was from an EFF rep. 🤔
I’m reading an article comparing ant colonies to the human brain for class. The article is fine; the comment section is GOLD. Pure, too-bad-about-the-Internet gold. I want ReplyAll to find these two guys and interview them.
This goes for PAGES. ReplyAll mid-episode plot twist: they’re the same dude.
Not sure if it’s more unhealthy to write little quips with the possibility that no one ever reads them or to write little quips with the hope that millions of people of who didn’t ask for them read them.
Ok, so it wasn’t an original idea. So what? When me, my wife, and a few friends sat down at Garfield Brewing near a stop of Indianapolis’ brand-new Red Line rapid transit system, we were beginning what we called the “Red Line Pub Crawl”. And… so were the folks at the table next to us.
An IndyGo Red Line Bus. CC BY-SA 4.0 Momoneymoproblem
Inevitably, we had friends that couldn’t come for the entire crawl but wanted to meet us later along the way. So they wouldn’t have to call us, I made a little app so that we could post our location with a timestamp.
As you can see, we deviated from our plan almost immediately 😀.
First take-away: using the browser API to get my current GPS location is not as scary as I thought! Now I know why every stinkin’ site asks for it.
I didn’t have time to learn how to use MapBox, so I made each entry link to a Google Map centered on the location. Feel free to remix and extend it!